My problem solving tools

I can’t fix all of my problems on my own, so I get assistance from a couple tools. Here is my personal pick of 3 tools that help me problem solve.


Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog conducts an in-depth SEO analysis of a website. It tells you HTML information about a site(missing/total number of title tags, headers, and meta descriptions). This is a great tool for SEO. Here’s a screenshot of Screaming Frog in action:

Taking a a quick look at this, I can see that no page titles are missing, which is a good sign in terms of SEO.

Google Docs


Google docs is a good friend in your writing journey. It’s a free tool that helps me express myself as a writer.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Kindle Direct Publishing allows me to self-publish my work for free. I currently have Paperback and ebook versions of my book. I have learned that I get higher royalties through ebooks than traditionally published books.



My Xbox 360 helps me de-stress from a hectic and long day!




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