Welcome To My Poetry Site!


This site is the home of free verse poetry that understands the problems young people face. The rhyming poetry on this site is all about making poetry fun to read. Hopefully, you will find a poem that speaks to you as a young person who is looking for some clarity in his/her life. The poetry on this site is never lazy, and I always try to make my writing fun to read by adding a rhyme scheme.

The goal of this site is to give you a safe haven for your thoughts and feelings. You can find a poem that elaborates on whatever you are feeling at the moment. Sometimes adults don’t understand what you’re going through, so you can read the poetry on this site for comfort. However, you should always seek counsel from a friend or a trusted adult if you have a serious problem. I will try to make the poetry on this website relatable, but it’s not a substitute for real world help.

The poetry on this site mostly tackles the issues that young people face, but also has some light hearted content. Besides school issues and adult expectations, there will be some poetry about pop culture icons, fitness, and empowering words. There is even some wisdom sprinkled throughout the site. I started to write as a way to express myself through words, and maybe you will do that, too. I know that school turns things as natural as reading and writing into a chore, but hopefully, I will be able to show you the joy of learning on this site.

Feel Right At Home On My Poetry Site. 

Overall, I hope you will feel vindicated and understood on this website. You are not alone, and other people share your issues. Of course, this site will also cover possible solutions to problems, and not just the acknowledgement of them. I hope this website can be a sanctuary for young people. 

You can start reading right here.

If you have an idea for my poetry site , feel free to contact me. My contact information is available here.

Websites to consider: http://www.school-survival.net/index.php


Two hands touching. This image embodies the poetry on my website.

         Offering a helping hand